10. Sugars
White bread and pasta prepared from processed wheat without the wheatgerm are refined carbs. Wheatgerm adds minerals and color to unprocessed brown bread and pasta.
Sugary meals and drinks are refined carbohydrates. These foods have a high GI because the intestine breaks them down into simple sugars. High-GI foods quickly boost blood sugar, which is deposited as fat.
Avoiding or limiting these meals is healthy, and eating them before bedtime when we can’t burn them off will worsen our waistlines and body fat.
Summary: High-GI refined carbs quickly release simple sugars into the blood. Sugar is stored as fat and used for energy.
This sleep-interrupting, waistline-increasing meals are not the end! These items are great for dinner…
1. Magnesium-rich meals
Magnesium helps us relax and fall asleep by supporting brain and body relaxation. It activates the calm-inducing parasympathetic nervous system.
This mineral controls melatonin and parasympathetic nervous system neurotransmitters. Magnesium relaxes nerves by binding to brain GABA receptors. It’s crucial for sleep.
Wholewheat, quinoa, spinach, avocados, almonds, cashew nuts, and unsalted peanuts are magnesium-rich.
Summary: Wholewheat brown bread, pasta, quinoa, and cashew nuts are magnesium-rich. This mineral activates brain relaxation receptors, preparing the body for sleep.